Wood: ‘Turner’s ‘Enders exit is right’

Stacey BranningJake Wood has claimed that Lacey Turner is “right” to be leaving EastEnders.

The award-winning actor, who portrays Max Branning in the soap, also insisted that Turner – who plays Stacey Slater – has an “incredible future” ahead of her.

“I think the time’s right for her as she’s been here six years. She took a long time to come to that decision,” he told Holy Soap.

“I think she’ll do incredibly well and she wants to do other stuff for a while and I think she’ll be successful doing that. She’s an amazing actress and she’s got an incredible future ahead of her.”

It was announced in April that Turner will bow out of the serial later this year.

During their time together on screen, the pair have been heavily involved in the show’s key storylines, such as their affair plot in 2007.

Meanwhile, Wood further paid tribute to the also-departing Maddie Duggan, who plays his on-screen daughter Lauren.

He added: “We all started off at the same time so we’re very close. I’m very close with Maddie’s family off screen and I’ve seen her a few times since she finished. We all stay in touch and I think again she’s a fabulous actress and I think she’ll do incredibly well.”

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