Jake Wood wants long ‘Enders future

Max BranningEastEnders star Jake Wood has confirmed that he is keen to stick with the soap “far beyond” the conclusion of his current contract.

The actor has played Walford’s Max Branning since 2006 and is currently committed to continue in the role until spring 2011.

Speaking to Holy Soap about his future on Albert Square, Wood revealed: “At the moment I’m contracted until next May so that will be five years. As I’ve said all along, I’m very happy here and I’ve got a big commitment to the show.

“As long as they’re happy for me to be here I’m happy to stay. But at the moment it’s just until next May, but I hope it will continue far beyond that.”

The 37-year-old was also asked how he juggles his TV part with his real-life role as a father-of-two.

He replied: “You have to work hard to make it work. I’ve been there four years and it’s worked up until now so there’s no reason why it can’t continue. There’s a good balance at the moment.”

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