Partridge torn over ‘Enders love plot

John Partridge and Marc ElliottJohn Partridge has admitted that he cannot decide whether Christian Clarke and Syed Masood should get a happy ending inEastEnders.

The actor’s alter ego has had an on-off relationship with Syed since last year, but is currently keeping his distance from the caterer following the drama which surrounded the reveal of their affair.

Speaking to Inside Soap, Partridge confessed that he feels torn every time he considers what the future should hold for the pair.

He explained: “Part of me wants Christian and Syed to get together and sail off into the sunset. I still think they love each other deep down, and love makes you do extraordinary things.

“But if it becomes all rainbows and butterflies, that might make them too cosy. We’ve seen Christian with a lot of partners in the past. He’s a guy who likes to go out and party, so it wouldn’t be realistic for him to suddenly settle down.”

Syed actor Marc Elliott recently told DS that he does not expect the pair to ever have a trouble-free relationship.

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