‘EastEnders’ Lauren hits rock bottom – Spoiler Picture

EastEnders‘ Branning family face a new crisis in upcoming episodes as troubled teen Lauren hits rock bottom.

Fans of the soap have recently seen Lauren (Jacqueline Jossa) become increasingly reliant on alcohol as she tries to switch off from problems at home – and the situation comes to a head in dramatic fashion on the day of Pat’s funeral.

When returnee Lucy Beale (Hetti Bywater) brings alcopops along to the church next week, Lauren is delighted and shares them with her.

However, Lauren ends up in a drunken state and Tanya (Jo Joyner) and Max (Jake Wood) are horrified when they spot their wayward daughter being sick behind a gravestone at Pat’s burial.

Lauren is immediately dragged home by her parents and a showdown takes place at the Branning house as she is confronted over her behaviour.

Tanya and Max take Lauren home after she is sick at Pat's funeral


Pictured: Max and Tanya confront Lauren over her drunken antics.

As tempers fray, erratic Lauren threatens to jump out of a window – forcing a shocked Max to step in by manhandling her onto her bed.

It’s clear to the Brannings that they’ll have to take urgent action to get Lauren’s life back on track, but with all the stress that she’s been under lately, how will they feel when it emerges that they may be part of the problem?

EastEnders airs these scenes on Friday, January 13 at 8pm on BBC One.

Source: Digital Spy

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